
Oh! And then there's Audrey Niffenegger's book, which went so far as to be called The Three Incestuous Sisters and had that kind of thing in it. Lord only knows why the hell I read that thing.

Sadly, as much of a Crow mark I am, I remember the last time they tried a TV series of that.

See, I just have problems when I shit out a piece of warm blueberry pie…

Not a fan of Abbot and Costello, huh?

Welllllll nowww

It's an. An emu.

Okay, so, am I alone in finding Montoya kind of creepy and starey? Because I seriously find that a problem with the actress's performance…she seems weirdly obsessive-creepy and those wide eyes sometimes don't help at all.

And all I can think is "I've been a baaaaaaaaad boy!"

I dunno, now I want to see a campy noir set in a perpetually-raining cityscape. That'd be good and plenty damp.

Severely underutilizing Lance Reddick isn't even a crime at this point. They were sending so many people to the chair for it they finally had to change it to a misdemeanor to keep down on costs.

If that were true, everyone I've talked to on the internet for the past three months would be a tr—

Thanks for doing that before I wound up making a fool of myself jumping on that meme.

Yeah, they also need to telegraph less. An episode is terrible for me if I can call the plots before the first act. This…is a terrible episode.

That's lapdancers, and I'd hope that you, of all people, would know the difference.

"Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness/Tonight, Tonight".

I completely agree with you. Hey, have you checked out Antemasque? Not bad, and seems to drag in a third direction, taking ATDI and blending the weird, fast angular guitars and word-salad lyrics with kind of more of a pop thing.

I don't know if anyone's said it, but the War, Inc script was cowritten by Mark Leyner, a postmodern writer from Maplewood, NJ. The only reason I know this is because I grew up in Maplewood and read most of his books, including the one where he boasted about this dubious accomplishment, The Sugar-Frosted Nutsack.

Hey! Most of the cockteases I know were at the time in a healthy and happy relationship with absolutely no reason to divorce…

But which fictional dildo? There were three!

I know what you mean. I loved their concept album based on Utopia.