
Congratulations, you have now made me want a detective show centered around the ghost of Chesty Puller for some reason.

The wine so bad it made the news?

Empty septic tank, or full septic tank?

I do not remember any of his comments requiring knowledge of women sitting on birthday cakes. But that is exactly what I see here

Wait…so when you say he's picturing a bullet in his head, do you mean "picture a bullet in the head"? Or, like, to picture a bullet inside his head?

If there is a man or woman out there who does not like their German oom-pah bands, I challenge them on their concept of humanity and what authority on which they speak of it.

You're right, "Coolio" backwards is almost "toilets"!

…My brain agrees with you, but my bruises say you're wrong…

It's not worth reading, but there are some very touching moments handled completely seriously, like what happened to the Second Coming of Christ, and the criteria for getting into Heaven and Hell.

I would at least like to speak up and say The Chronicles of Wormwood had some interesting concepts and funny lines. I continue to lose it at "fuck off, Nigel".

His run on Ghost Rider was pretty good, too. Though I think it ripped off Dogma in one segment.

NEW 52!!!!! *shakes fist*

And vapid! Don't forget vapid!



How rusty we talking here?


Well, if I may jump in here, I think I can play Devil's Advocate for a few moments. I'm a fan of the old, but if I wanted to argue the point, I'd probably put it like this:

That's the whole show, though. No matter what, the status quo is usually reset and as things continue, there are a few offhand lines dropped about it, but nothing really changes.

That's William B Hays.