
This is my life story and my last name's Foreman. Do I got a case?

It's really the follow-up about "HEY BED BATH AND BITCHASS" that really makes it pop.

I still think "I'm Inside Me" was a good way to end "Vegas Draft", though? It didn't feel too shoehorned…


I dunno…I was much more freaked out by "Sand…bleach…chilies…and a spoon."

What about the version about fluorescent green, dubstep samba, Romani, and deadly viruses?

Bedlam isn't terrible. I love "Ourobouros" more than I probably should. Noctorniquet is halfway decent, too.

I would like to nominate most of the Murder City Devils' entries into music, but most specifically "Bunkhouse" from In Name and Blood. I don't know why, but Spencer Moody sells some lyrics I find really laughable.

Either version works. I like to think it's like the commercial for the worst motel ever.

"Sleep tight/Grim right/We have two hundred couches" is kind of their worst lyric to me, I feel. Still, occasionally they get it right. "Evil" and "Public Pervert" for example.

I'm not sure if David Bowie's "Fashion" is just a bad song, or if it's just that lyrics like "We are the goon squad and we're coming to town, beep beep" drag an awesome beat and a decent song into the gutter.

That was him? Dammit, I was hoping I could respect Omar Rodriguez-Lopez even slightly in spite of him being a massive dick about things every now and then.

Yeah, after the opening salvos, CVC is pretty much just weird guitar noodling until the ending, and that weird distorted "people running away" thing is actually pretty nice. I also like the fade-in to "The Widow". I'm not sure what to think of the album overall, but I'm willing to write off everything after Frances.

It's good, right? I think it's good.

I'll disagree with that because that spiraling guitar solo into deranged Spanish at the beginning of "L'Via L'Viaquez" is something I still really enjoy.

Is it just me, or has he grown more sociopathic the longer things have been going on? I have a feeling being around the other characters has made him a worse or more resentful person, but also made him a little more willing to use some of the intelligence he actually does have.

Wait, we get a secret menu?

I still listen to one Godsmack song

I think I need to see more of this stuff, since Peter Serafinowicz is awesome.