
Sharkdom, with Stephen Fry playing a shark lawyer offset by lovely establishing shots of the East Anglian countryside?

That's not a theory, as it turns out we all DO only exist in Tommy Wiseau's head.

"Petyr Baelish didn't know if he could fart his way into a major diplomatic incident, but he was ready to find out."


"*ahem* I believe, if I may offer my opinion, the proper term is 'barbarian', sir."

I still want a Twin Peaks-style spinoff with Budge and Pepper. I would pay to see a season of that. I would watch the shit out of that. I know there are issues with that coming to pass. I'm just sayin'.

For a moment there, I thought the show was written by Allie Brosh and I got all excited. But now there is only disappointment and sadness and despair. Also, Rachel Bloom seems to be getting typecast.

Yeah, everyone chooses Hoboken or Jersey City for their alleyway executions these days.

My money's on dark green

Awww…classic understatement, too

And bodily fluids. I remember hearing a story that one group, the gobbing and other stuff got so bad that one night they showed up and played a set wearing raincoats.

Thanks to you, I now want to hear Weird Al do a polka rendition of TVOTR's "DLZ". It's playing in my head. It won't stop.


Samiam - Stepson

I'm interested to see what someone else'd do with it.

Oingo Boingo - Only A Lad

Tom Waits - Telephone Call From Istanbul

Crud - "Reality"

KGB - Kaizer's Orchestra

I was wondering when someone would mention this. I actually kinda liked it. It had a sort of stupid charm, even if it wasn't up to the cast's usual muster.