
Too bad Opera has a ridiculously bulky, slow interface. It may render quickly with standards in mind, but until they do a complete UI overhaul that deals directly with the problem of it using 300 MB of RAM with only a few tabs open, zero extensions, I'm going to use Chromium instead...

Vote: Meebo

@swim5256ca: Which is different from "you are the average of your 5 closest peers"

@MrBrownSound: Wrong. It happens when you are much younger and the time it happens depends on your personal strength and aptitude.

I wish Adam Dachis would just admit that he is leaning towards believing this garbage instead of trying to let us think that he is still on the fence, because otherwise he wouldn't post such out of place topic on this board.

@meseta: I agree with you, the people who replied don't know jack shit and probably read too many self help books and other similar homogenizing works of psuedo-sociology and by not giving in to their nonsensical acceptance of something they read on the web, you stayed true to what YOU know is false. Bravo.

@trev801: Because attraction to the opposite sex is clearly not their only issue...

Gay or not, these people are the most awkward, odd looking people I have ever seen assembled into one video. I'm pretty sure that their overly feminine, stereotypically flaming speech patterns, lisps, speech impediments, and fucked-up looking cock-eyes were an even bigger social problem than being gay...

Having these articles as frugal options is great, but few people with any class or dignity will use an mp3 player and a MIFI (two things to lose, no less) to make and receive calls. I mean, it looks pretty bad and is awfully inconvenient. This is not for people on the go, its for people that don't use a cell phone and

Anybody else think that Apple should hire these guys (and other JB app devs) so the iPhone stops being so goddamn limited?

@reynwrap582: Nobody thinks the planet should be polluted, but some people out there, some people even reading these comments right now, think that a majority of people should be wiped out if they so much as drive an SUV.

Ecofascism at its finest and truest form. Speak to any environmentalist long enough and they will eventually admit that they think anybody who doesn't want to save the planet should be killed. After all, according to them, people are a cancer to the planet that should be wiped out.

@Urban Sophist: That racism comes from the left as well as the right and that Jews can hardly be considered an oppressed minority.

The guy told the truth, but you can't be successful these days and tell the truth. Keep that in mind, kids, when you become a whore for some corporate entity.

@silvermoonstar3: Tap water and table salt don't help you. They kill you slowly. Spring water (you know, the kind that you get from a spring that comes out of the earth that has those minerals in the first place?) and pure salt have no impurities and all the minerals.

@Martian Yeti: The problem is not that they are artificially gimped. We who defend this are aware of that, but if the customer got the functionality they paid for, then there is nothing wrong. Come back when you can prove actual fraud.

@I Think We're Property: This is circular logic. You again failed to assume that if the customer paid for a 5 speed, that he is satisfied. Would you think cable companies are ripping off people if they sell them a tiered 10 MB line when the modem and infrastructure is capable of 20MB? No, because you are getting what

11 must be Kenya's effort at Antarctic research...

Gee, I wonder if the prizes will go to the video game that indoctrinates people the most into leftist, big government, environmentalist thinking...

@gebinsk: Voting with your dollar is always more effective and expedient than voting every few years for a bunch of corrupt politicians.