@A Flock of Smegal's: I would refuse city services entirely.
@A Flock of Smegal's: I would refuse city services entirely.
@gebinsk: And that new city council would do the exact same crap. What should be done is simple: privatize trash pickup.
@jdale: Obviously, the answer is to scrap city services like trash pickup in favor of private companies who compete for your trash.
@blyan: Because you pay for people to take your stuff, not to fine you for not doing the job you're paying them to do. This is nothing more than politically correct conditioning and revenue generation.
@meow-mixer: If people don't, should they be fined?
@Fred Steffen: Pretty sure that in about 10 years, most major cities will be doing this. Cleveland is just a beta test to see how people would react to this bullshit. Don't put up with it. Boycott all RFID tracking.
@blyan: What does property have anything to do with this?
Who said liberals can't be a bunch of fascist Orwellian creeps?
@lucidlyseen: That's not the point, you idiot. He's asking why you're so retarded that you said you always wait for the 2nd revision yet explicitly said you bought the 1st iteration of the iPhone.
@Cintax: I was about to point out how much of a retard John Herrman is but thanks for doing it more politely...
@SKiTz: It takes capitalism to form the infrastructure in the first place, you idiot. Every country with broadband access created such a thing using capitalistic entrepreneurship. The computer you are typing on is a result of capital and labor, not socialism.
Maybe she just saw some food on the ground and was in the process of eating it....
@Slinkytech: This is what liberals do: ignore important things by filling people's heads with emotional nonsense about unimportant things. I'm sure the rural people would prefer to have things like infrastructure, more people, bigger factories, more jobs, etc, before they want internet.
@SKiTz: You mean providing you with the means to actually post here in the first place, you self-entitled socialist.
@Cntrtnmnt: Y'r ssmng tht tht mrkt hs lrdy pntrtd nt rrl rs nd hs stll lft ppl bhnd. t hsn't dn s, y dt.
@Weakskills: You make no sense.
@TouchMyMonkey: Your point being?
Next thing Frucci will say is that having internet is a human right...
@Hello! My name is Anonymous: Yes, I'm sure Mr. Frucci will be singing a different tune when he finds out that most of those rural people are conservatives and their opinions change the landscape of the already too-liberal cyberspace.
@Hello Mister Walrus: Frucci has always been a Communist loser who uses Gizmodo to promote his agenda. That guy should be fired for writing such unprofessional articles.