Gail Stacie

I am in total agreement. It’s doping, period, even if it’s for a medical cause. An athlete should not to have to compete against someone and their team of endocrinologists.


Why are non-adults being allowed to change their sex when they haven’t even fully matured?

Absolutely. That’s how the NCAA and other governing bodies are handling it (or generally plan to handle it). Start hormone treatments and you can’t participate in your “old” gender (and usually there’s a waiting period because of the likely advantage of someone born male competing against women). Obviously, it’s

Going to try to be as careful as possible here, but while he should be able to compete in the boys division without everyone losing their shit, don’t those parents have a point that someone on testosterone maybe shouldn’t be able to wrestle girls?  

I feel like wigs in tv and movies in general seems to be getting shittier. Is it the same, but the resolution is better? Is the wig budget the first thing to always get cut? Why does Nicole Kidman need a wig for this role? You could literally have any hair.

I live in a NorCal town very similar to Monterey and I was surprised at how real the show’s characters were. I know it’s a parody, but people in my town really ARE like these characters. (Rich miserable assholes).

Did you see on Tom on WWHL? Obviously every question he got was some variation of “Katie is the worst” and his responses were so weak. He basically kept saying that she’s a lot better now.

I half agree with you. Jax is often right about things. He is also often a total, coked-out mess or general douche. See: every other episode where he stirs up shit or treats Brittany like an accessory/maid.

They are totally adorable. Last season when Schwartz was planning the proposal and Sandoval was helping him plan and just during that part alone was tearing up like a proud parent/bro... I got a little something in my eye, too.

Jax is a goddamned relationship savant. Also, while he’s a serial’s not like he hides the fact that he’ll fuck anything that walks. And you only have to ask him twice before he’ll fess up to cheating. The man never holds up against interrogation.

YES! They, by far, have the best relationship on the show. Their bromance should be showcased more often.

Jax is a prize asshole - the kind only this show can produce - but two good things about him that differentiate him from this crowd are 1) as you say, he’s usually right about his friends’ relationships, and 2) he doesn’t get off on other people’s misery. He only cares about his own happiness, and sure, he may hurt

Yeah, I think Jax is turning 40 in another year or so. I vaguely recall he is older than me (37).

Schwartz and Sandoval should be married and raising kids together. No one loves and supports each of them as much as the other one does. Obviously they would sleep with other people. 

Katie and Tom, I’ve never met two people who like to be miserable, but I honestly believe that they like being miserable. They get off on being mean to each other, only they don’t actually get off since we know that they don’t have sex.

as a lawyer who is usually on the defense side of employment discrimination suits, and who also thinks that sometimes people are just assholes and it’s not about gender/race/whatever: GIRL SUE THEM.

Oh PLEASE let there be a tech bubble burst. I would love nothing more than for those snide, vapid, useless motherfuckers in Silicon Valley to have to do actual fucking work for money.

I’m calling it now there is gonna be a tech bubble burst and Uber is gonna be the next