Gail Stacie

Younger is amazing! So underrated.

Justin Timberlake is 37 years old. He was older than pretty much everyone playing in the game (other than Harrison, Brady and Jones) He has been recording for over 20 years and he still acts and sings like a teen heartthrob. His songs and style have changed, but not matured. He looks like he’s old and tired out there

And, honestly, fuck JT for getting to make cute winky jokes about the wardrobe malfunction.

Psssst...most of these investigations, like the ones in Arizona and Texas the last few months, have been in the works for years. Sorry to burst your little libtard bubble, but you’d have to blame your own Dear Leader

Thank you, new favorite commenter.

Update: He heard the UPS truck and he must defend me against those vicious Amazon packages.

Oh I fully agree with you. I’d also like the conversation to steer in the direction of “how can we raise young women so they feel like they can say no?” Yes the men need work, yes yes yes. But so do we. Human beings need work in order to learn healthy intimacy and healthy interaction. I don’t know what how to do this

Or if the guy doesn’t like the post-sex outcome, he magically doesn’t have autonomy anymore and it’s the woman’s fault now.

I am not a troll, I am a trying to demand answers or make excuses, what I want to know, is why, referencing #2 - she didn’t just leave? If it was bad sex, bad date, you leave. I’ve left bad dates, I’ve stopped bad sex. If someone keeps repeatedly trying to reengage in sex I dont want, I leave. She should have left. He

This is the most depressing and true statement I’ve heard in all of this.

Women are cast as the moral backbone of the society, so they become the custodians of sex. It’s men’s to take and women’s to keep. A woman’s worth is tied to how fiercely she guards it, so boys are conditioned to think ‘good girls’ say no and they are the ones worth pursuing. Her worth increases the more they have to

My dog habitually licks cloth. He’ll lick the carpet for hours.

That’s just a pile of laundry!

The photo credit goes to the author, so I assume this is her dog. And that’s a mighty fine dog. Please write more articles about dogs, especially this dog.

My dog, at this very moment:

He’s the original mansplainer.

He was such a dick about that and clearly doesn’t get it. He’s taking a very “middle school English teacher” approach and she’s clearly taking some poetic lisence and going more e.e. cummings with it.

My comment is in the greys, so it may never see lite, but “Pieces of You” changed my life. Amazing record.

It also makes me miss Pop Up Video...