
yep...this is it.

looking good .....looking real good.

hahaha......harsh but true.

Look... it isn't fear of change.....this is simply a response by readers to a terribly designed site update,so enough with the condescension by pretending to be so much more enlightened than us mere schlubs by throwing that ridiculous "fear of change" nonsense. The site is almost universally despised by what's left

Look... it isn't fear of change.....this is simply a response by readers to a terribly designed site update,so enough with the condescension by pretending to be so much more enlightened than us mere schlubs by throwing that ridiculous "fear of change" nonsense. The site is almost universally despised by what's left

Look... it isn't fear of change.....this is simply a response by readers to a terribly designed site update,so enough with the condescension by pretending to be so much more enlightened than us mere schlubs by throwing that ridiculous "fear of change" nonsense. The site is almost universally despised by what's left

this is one infuriating ad campaign.....It makes me want to skip buying the game at all because I'd feel like a 14 year old. The 2 girls 1 cup youtube approach is old....not to mention absurd and pathetic.

this NGP is sounding better every day.....I truly am interested Sony.

I'll skip this one as well.

@saif32: duplicate posts

@saif32: whoops....I posted the same thing's what it think it may be.

Now playing

more ball lightning here....who knows what it is?....either way it doesn't look fake to me.

Now playing

Is it possible it could have been ball lightning?

If Ice Cube is the star and never wears the helmet, the film will be a winner....(yawn)

I say we station a Nielsen employee in every home in order to actually catch people watching the crap on tv.....roughly 115,000,000 housholds means 115,000,000 jobs....and viola...economy is fixed.

@Baboonski: true......but this isn't the same situation. The ds, but more so the wii both captured the attention of people who normally wouldn't bother....I think for Nintendo to be able to convince people to buy the 3ds with the same fervor they did in the past while competing with the supposedly ps3 comparable NGP,

DC comics online on the NGP with my characters ported to it would be great..if they could do it.....I'd buy it.

@Michael Hayes: enjoy that 2nd Amendment while you can because 4 out of nine Supreme Court Justices don't think it means what it says......1 person ......1 swing vote from Anthony M. Kennedy kept that amendment safe.....for now.....In District of Columbia v. Heller, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G.

internet shut down by the govt.?.......Amazon dot com is no longer a threat to Penny's.