
I wasn't interested in the 3ds anyway....but this makes me want to buy an NGP....and I never owned or wanted a psp....But I want the NGP.

Sony.....I am impressed....If that Uncharted shot is actual I never owned a PSP...but I did own a ds that got old after a month so handheld gaming didn't really do it for me ...but once I see more games I will absolutely consider this.

@Xeno: be honest......if Major Nelson looked into it and this rep contacted the customer himself then I'm sure they must have found something real....otherwise they would have just stuck with the usual boilerplate......

@Xeno: My point is that MS can make mistakes....I just don't think this kid with his filthy hands and controller is hacking anything.

@LeepNasty: good point.....either way he shouldn't have been playing M rated games.

@Xeno: Come on....just look at the kid....he isn't hacking anything....and if the kid is sitting and playing every day for 6-8 hours a day (like an autistic kid could easily do because of his disorder) he absolutely could gain 1500 achievements....but we'll never know who's right will we?.....but like my example above

@Xeno: 3 different emails huh?.....when I got the rrod they sent out a coffin for it 2 months and 10 phone calls later......3 months after I got the repaired xbox back I received another coffin out of the blue. MS makes plenty of mistakes and this sure seems like another.

come on MS.....just fix the kid's tag....if it made it on the local news I'm sure the reporter could see in person that this kid isn't hacking anything.

@TheAmazingOnionMan: yeah.....but by the time this is available it will be competing against phones like the Atrix. My Captivate was released in July last year and has comparable guts....come on ....Sony could have given it more juice.

@IAmAGenius: the specs are ok but they seem too low to compete against the next big phones coming is using 2010 specs.

sorry Sony....this is way too little,way too late.

my favorite line:..."I don't need that, I know what I'm doing."

I never bother with Home but I will for this. What a great idea to get people interested....nice going. On another note.....when the hell is Home going to come out of beta?

@Gabriella Creighton: (sigh)......whatever......I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. Again.....all I did was give an opinion. Fine...the 3ds is more powerful....and most of that power will be wasted on providing a "3d" experience that is a gimmick....if it wasn't a gimmick there would be no switch to shut

Look...if it isn't mounted on a Delorean.....I want no part of it.

@Gabriella Creighton: I just don't understand the problem here....this isn't "fanboism" Why do you keep relying on that little tag?.....I merely stated an opinion about a gadget. the 3d feature "that you can turn off" is the biggest selling point of the device..........I'm sorry,If you can turn off the biggest feature

@houser: look....I simply am NOT impressed by the 3ds. I don't find it's 3d capability to be attractive to me....3d is a lame gimmick...TO ME.....this is simply my opinion. I know that the topic of Nintendo is like stoking a topic on religion or politics. For some people, to badmouth Nintendo in any way means

Nintendo Wii....collecting dust on shelves everywhere since 2006.