
It’s not even a rental, it’s a full time job where you get fired after a big update. Every expansion brings you back to the same level as everyone else. Your max level gear you spent weeks of in-game time accruing? Worthless, a new player just starting has the same base level.

I’m not sure you have to worry about that. They’re all literally found guilty of something that is a minimum life sentence. The question is whether there’s a possibility of parole(which means they’d technically still be “under supervision” and could still be thrown back in jail if that parole even ever happened). The

The one problem here is Halo seems to be going The Way of the RPG.  Looks are Power(TM).

Oh god. Sidewinder. The source of one of my greatest memories ever in college gaming. We had a 4 hour game CTF game on that map....3 hours spent at 2-2 and I was stuck hiding in a ladder while the team struggled to fight their way into the enemy base to kill who was holding our flag. The enemy team was doing the same.

I may take some heat for this, but here we go...

That accounts for the last month but not the last 6 months. Let’s say we ignore what’s “under Blizzard’s hood” for the moment because that only did come out in the last month alongside the delay of product, so to speak. For the last year Blizzard, from what I’ve read has made some pretty heavy changes to WoW that

We might be in a hyper-aware bubble, but fact remains, ATVI has been losing money from *somewhere* over the past 6 months.  A lot of money.  Granted, over 6 months that could be a lot of somewheres, but for the past month, I’m not sure what else is happening to effect its 24% drop.

Not to put to fine a point on it, but they have bills as well. She was in Doom, Wrath of the Titans, and other similarly cheesy productions.


Not just Al Sharpton as a 70 year old pastor that specializes in politics. But lashing out apparently against black pastors in general.  Raises a few questions...

I remember my first Femtendo 64. Starfucks 69 and Zelda: the Dildo of Time were my favorites. Ahhh to be 12 again...

I remember my first Femtendo 64. Starfucks 69 and Zelda: the Dildo of Time were my favorites. Ahhh to be 12 again...

All the prosecutors needed to do was have an official document anywhere in the office recognizing the deal and it probably would never have happened.

The analysis by both the writer and the readers is great, but they all leave out one key point. Chapelle has banked at least 8 figures over his career trolling groups in ways that some people liked and other people didn’t.

Trump is gonna Trump.

Wouldn’t even go that far. But go to any actress’s list of works if they’ve had a list of works long enough to be multiple tens of works long. It will be decidedly on a bell curve of quality of some sort.

Probably when every other thespian does the same.  The difference is she just talked about it in an interview.

Not a Chappelle supporter, but if you’re actually curious how this situation is different. The proprietary facts referenced by Netflix somehow found their way into Bloomberg’s hands.

Long story short, even from this point of view from many standpoints the government takes on the entity of an “employer” and this wouldn’t even be free speech. There are processes of whistleblowing in the government that if not followed, the employee can be fired for not protecting proprietary information.  This kind