Mark Knopfler, for crying out loud! The Princess Bride! Local Hero!
Mark Knopfler, for crying out loud! The Princess Bride! Local Hero!
now now... let’s be constructive. There is definitely room for improvement, so let me suggest an example of how the apology could have been re-written, with intent to apologize for the actual wrongdoing. It’s important to use active language and words like I, we, to indicate that we acknowledge our own role and…
Jay-Z said it himself, it’s just an opinion. Beyonce not winning doesn’t make sense, as does Taylor Swift never winning Song of the Year, considering how much emphasis is put on her writing.
“But the movie’s final shot places the blame on the scientists and what they wrought. While hardly a crowd pleaser, it’s enough to give the audience an out that Killers doesn’t offer. Audiences took the out.”
Right now, fully in-tact men who claim to have a women’s soul are housed in the female population of prisons. There is no better illustration of how much men hate women and how they see women as sub human than the full throated embrace of the “rights” of these men. There is no concern for the incarcerated women,…
The problem isn’t the size per se but more that the size was the selling point and then it was implemented so poorly. At least in terms of gameplay. Exploring the many systems is neither particularly fun nor particularly rewarding. And it doesn’t tie in to the story. This isn’t a game about interplanetary exploration…
Remember the era of television where you didn’t have to be a huge hit right out of the gate but were sometimes given multiple seasons to find your footing?
I am SO incredibly glad this doesn’t have a damn “morality slider” like Mass Effect and other games have. Instead of gamifying morality, it’s letting you make decisions without knowing the eventual end of them - which is exactly how DnD is. You could meet a stranger in session 4 and have an interaction that you don’t…
Hey, remember V’s suicidal cop neighbour? Remember how he was gonna kill himself? Remember how you can save him? And remember how you save him?
Agreed. I have no desire to defend Bioshock Infinite, as it was mediocre, but being high while you played it and not remembering things is...that’s not related to the game, it’s the drugs.
Oh I have no idea if he’ll actually be found guilty of anything in court. Just that an awful lot of people came forward to say he was a monster to them, at least enough for me to say “not interested” regarding any future projects with him — and I don’t think I am alone.
It seems that what everyone in the comments and the author is missing here is that there was a jury who sat and listened to everyone’s testimony, saw all these moronic videos, reviewed all of the evidence, looked at the accuser and the accused, and decided the accused were not guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The video…
This is wild ‘journalism’ - they were acquitted, BY A JURY, and here we are dedicating a few hundred words to smear these men further, after the fact.
Boy I’m glad they saved us from a movie that they thought was bad, and cost a lot to make!
Fucking idiots, that’s now how the American judicial system works. Dude was convicted by the court, now he serves his time. Barring appeal, of course.
“The rapper” in question in that quote is Megan Thee Stallion, who hasn’t been accused of a crime, so your first sentence makes no sense.