
This post is advertising-adjacent re the services of Dr. Zhang. It reads as a promotional profile of a business as much as a description of a medical procedure.

This is either actually directed by or the direct influence of puerile Italian stunt artist and Kanye collaborator Vanessa Beecroft. This is her schtick – endurance performance using other people’s bodies. I find it even worse that the source of this “idea” appropriated by Kanderp is a woman.

Lovely name. Feminine with the “a” ending, but not too frilly. It’s derived from Margaret. There are both a Greta and a Margot in my daughter’s preschool class, so I don’t think those cosmopolitan/slightly vintage names are that fringe.

Face versus head scale issues. Will watch a few interviews out of aesthetic fascination.

Fabricated. Coordinated. Lame. Waste. Peak simulacra.

This. He’s the merkin.

He’s bearding for her. She likes girls. Mutual bearding makes sense (Jake G, that One Direction kid, etc. etc.), but might be getting obvious. That Calvin person said that they were more like friends.

Chick needs bangs. (And incarceration.)

According to my local pharmacy, this product is being discontinued. It’s so weird that there’s a post about this stuff because I just cleaned out my local drugstore (2 sticks) when the manager there told me it would no longer be produced and therefore they would not have it in stock again. I use it on my toddler’s

She’s an ace beard, so it actually makes good practical sense.

Millennia, not centuries. Five centuries = 500 years. This artifact is ten times older than this. Super-funny gif, but WTF basic math/vocabulary.