Sorry, I should rephrase that, does anyone under 50 *in the UK* actually care?
Sorry, I should rephrase that, does anyone under 50 *in the UK* actually care?
Dogs and cats should definitely be immortal.
As a white man, seriously, fuck all of us. #yesallwhitemen. No mansplaining, no apologies, I just hope they all go down in flames. I’ll join the collateral damage, because this is fucked and I hate it.
The last interesting thing Sean Penn did was get dumped by Charlize Theron, but there’s no need to worry about Penn,…
For what it’s worth, I heard a similar story about John Mayer doing the same thing to a friend of a friend (I know, a very credible source) after a show he played in Toronto. EXCEPT while he was jerking off up on to her he repeatedly said “Tell me you love my music! Tell me you love my music!” !
Friday my bf and I went to Chipotle. He always asks for extra cheese, and is similarly disappointed. Well this time the girl behind the counter took both hands, grabbed massive amounts of cheese and dumped it on the burrito. Twice. I guess I looked surprised when she did it because she said "The man asked for extra…
Funny story about The Stupid:
In theory, I agree with you. I think that the reasons for exempting churches from taxation are, at this point, fairly antiquated and no longer applicable. That said, there are a lot of churches which do really great, and really necessary, charitable work - and the way that America’s pathetic excuse for a social safety…
Good to see he came out of it fine.
Sod them. You’re made of awesomesauce, and they don’t have a clue. You did you, and that’s the most important thing. Go you, The Gaysian!
Needless to say, as he was still hot, I hit that with the power of Thor’s Mighty Hammer
To this I say “Amen.”
If you want to do your part to get their status revoked, please consider taking a moment to sign this petition. Over 22,000 people have already signed but it still needs three times that amount before April 22nd.
Your story made me smile so hard. Totally made my morning. Thank you!
I was a freshman who had gotten close to a junior dude in my drama class, all my friends were convinced he was going to ask me to homecoming, AND he was going to ask me to go steady or whatever. It made sense, we talked ALL the time,he has to be into me, right? So one day at lunch he told me he really had to talk…
Not a dance, but in 7th grade I did dress up as Ginger Spice (shoddily box-dyed red hair and all) and lip sync/dance to “Spice Up Your Life” at a school assembly. So...yeah...
I was the ONLY friend in my circle who didn’t have a date to prom; which was fine since I had the type of girlfriends who couldn’t give less of a fuck about that sort of thing. We would all dance with each other’s dates and made it more of a communal experience.
I’ll Debbie Downer this competition real fast.