
A spokesperson for Warner Brothers declined to comment further when asked by Kotaku whether Rowling would receive royalties for Hogwarts Legacy.

I'm glad she isn't "directly" involved. Does she get any money, though? Would any portion of my purchase go to that bigot? 

I might be jaded by this industry, but there seems to still be a soft spot in me that is excited by hearing there’s a new FF in the works!

It’s almost as if they’re being exploited or something.

“Haha, I’m personally unaffected by this, so I don’t give a damn that other people are being treated unfairly! Hooray, apathetic selfishness!”

cool, move along

These are all amazing, but literally every other painting without the assassin would have been enhanced by having it somewhere in the background. Missed opportunity there, CRAIG. You big dummy.

JK, these are really impressive.

Now doing anything fun is “Being Desperate”... OK

I mean, he is pretty famous for putting himself in harms way to film his own stunts...

Fuck the CCP

I’m not a Snyder Cut stan. In fact, I find many from that movement extremely annoying, but I’m all in. I love different versions of DC stories and this unique take looks fun to me. I grew up in the 80's so stuff like this happening blows my mind.

I’m not a Snyder Cut stan. In fact, I find many from that movement extremely annoying, but I’m all in. I love different versions of DC stories and this unique take looks fun to me. I grew up in the 80's so stuff like this happening blows my mind.

Four hours of live action DC Elseworlds in one hour episodes each? I’m

It’s basically just Prey and Homefront: The Revolution all over again. At least those games didn’t need to achieve much. This one, however, has a lot of eyes on it. 

“Oh how I despise this trend in current rpgs. It ruins my immersion because I would rather see my character act in this fantastical world rather than being forced to look at as if I, myself, were a part of it.”

The chances this game is going to suck just increased significantly.

Did you actually just imply that the use (and abuse) of the hyper-sexualized female character in video games is not widely seen as problematic? And thus it is quite common to not see this complaint is at all “absurd”.

“This misconduct reportedly also filtered into Rocksteady’s games, which include hypersexualized versions of Batman characters like Poison Ivy and Catworman.”

My kids blasted through this over the course of 2 weeks they loved it so much. Its also probably the only animated series I know of who got the entire original voice cast as well so even though the animations different the voices are not weird uncanny valley like. 

I effing love Tangled so I’ll have to check this dang show out, damn my age!!

If you know Norse mythology, the Loki thing was both completely telegraphed but cleverly disguised as well as interesting symbolically.