Normally I hate to be that guy, but not this time. You should probably research flight times and what subsonic means.
Normally I hate to be that guy, but not this time. You should probably research flight times and what subsonic means.
“There are no longer subsonic commercial flights offered to the public because they were simply impractical.”
So, diesels need two classes of emissions control equipment - particulate filtration, and some method of reducing nitrogen oxides.
Let me be the oddball here and say I agree with the “vlogger” here, to a degree.
Not considered: David Tracey’s Jeep. Right now its averaging about $9k every 20 miles.
You realize that those rockets are old right? Really really old. We use em because theyre reliable and cheaper, and doing so was stupid. Its our dependency on russian rocket tech is whats keeping us behind because the gov has stubbornly refused to spend on our own tech.
why is this minivan on TruckYeah?
Came here to say this. Magnuson Moss Warranty Act
I know Doug likes to joke around in these, but in all seriousness, legally they cannot deny a warranty claim due to the vehicle being serviced elsewhere, unless of course that service is what caused the issue.
Perhaps the problem is that Mr. Musk is too busy trying to get his hands in so many different projects, that he can't make significant headway in any one project? A jack of all trades, yet a master of none.
This is the TSA we're talking about. We'll probably find that she's been making weekly trips like this for a year and only finally got caught this time. Victory!
Elon didn't have to buy a company to start a war. He created the luxury Ev market, and Fisker tried to compete, but couldn't. What makes you think that a bunch of rich guys want a car from a failed company with a bunch of Chinese parts in it. Sounds like everything else in China, a bunch of knock off products that…
Elon's use of fire stats is also misleading, kind of like those idiotic cost claims for the car itself. How many cars that ignite are old, worn out, poorly maintained, and a deathtrap by any other name? Comparing it to brand new cars is misleading at best, and probably closer to deceptive.
"leaving it vulnerable to destruction of the fuel supply lines or fuel tank, which causes a pool of gasoline to form and often burn the entire car to the ground. "
Assuming of course there had been a spark to ignite the fuel vapors. Then sure. I just have some doubts that there was a big enough piece of metal that the…