pulling this kind of manipulation and staging of the media is going to cost them customers.
pulling this kind of manipulation and staging of the media is going to cost them customers.
No, they don't have a point at all. The part in the Variety article that seems to be getting lost is that the hotel isn't laying off any employees and they are making up for any lost tips.
i stand by my comments too. No trolling intended. It's a work of fiction and Detroiters have a sense of humor about a movie from the 80s
except your missing the main character in the title of the movie... you know that guy... called.... Robocop
A human cyborg trying to save Detroit.
Having a sense of humor in spite of all the cities problems isn't a bad thing. It's a fictional movie after all.
yes, it jives completely as you didn't offer any better alternatives. It's a waste of time and energy to go with something special for Tesla unless it saved them money. They're trying to sell hundreds of thousands of vehicles.... not worry about 11 tow vehicles.
terrible use of the word "hacked"
fairly premature to say "it's not a big deal"
lambo driver was speeding so it's mostly his fault. Video makes it look like the mazda was already turning partly into the intersection. Lambo should have seen that as well. Probably too late for the Mazda to avoid considering how fast the lambo was going.That being said, they are both idiots.
higher taxes don't mean that NJ will act responsibly and use those funds for better infrastructure. They'll just use the funds to redistribute it to pet projects that have nothing to do with roads.
Because Tesla is smart and doesn't want to get into a political crapstorm. If the governor decides on his own to get the car, then that's different. If Tesla starts cutting private deals with the governor, then that's going to be one giant mess neither will be able to get out of.
walter white could easily be driving this instead of the pontiac aztek
nobody trusts them anymore between this and the twitter debacle.... RIP instagram
sounds like it's basically raining so much money at Apple Corporate that they literally don't care what happens in retail as long as they keep selling phones.
Towards the end he didn't even drop it. He had to purposefully slam it down and destroy it. That's as durable as a phone ever needs to be at this point.
recycle them at Home Depot for free. No additional cost needed.
it doesn't have to be $300 up front. Google is willing to allow people to pay over monthly installments for a year in $25 increments. That's fairly reasonable.
i'm really surprised it's not higher. Guess that $300 barrier was still too high in lower income areas where they may not be able to afford internet at all.