
Ok, I have to admit that bus is cool, but before anyone else asks this, Will it Blend?

Nice modification.

I'm probably going to get my ass handed to me for asking this but it is worth the shot. Will it blend?

For a stopwatch, I think that thing is nice.

I want this thing and I will do whatever it takes to get it.

@danms6:you know what? I'm not so sure of this myself.

this car kicks serious ass.

I can't wait until this car is on pgr4.

Sounds exciting.

@jakay11:I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave.

Mind the gap.

What would I be if my SANITY was dependent on jalopnik?

I saw this on the news earlier today, and at first I thought it was gonna end in a suicide attempt.

Ok, someone is going to make this joke sooner or later so why not right now, Will it blend?

Funny you should ask, because that's one of the ads on this site right now.

The only help autistic children need is 2 in the chest, 1 in the head. I should know, because I am one of them.