
I don't understand what the spud in the tailpipe gag does, or is supposed to do.

@estern: No idea how that one works, seen it, but I am not sure how it does what it does.

the ferrari 400i limo.

I have a funny feeling these pics were doctored.

@kingfling: Is that how it came factory?

that golf ooks like it collided with a box of skittles.

I want this.

Any idea how much that car is worth?

I waisted tax dollars for THIS?

@Dr. Schm: tenth time's the charm?

No one got my reference? Cash Cab is the only cab that pays you as you go.

Aw cap, they weren't in the only cab that pays you as you go. I think you know the one I mean.

The Pontiac Phoenix

Will they bring that mysterious white suited racing driver with them?

I'd like to see it actually destroy something.

terrorists win.

@Kelly: You're telling me.