
@rockogre:Where would it's monkey be?

@poxpopulus:I know, I agree with him very much. That car is flipping awsome.

@poxpopulus:More fun than getting stabbed? Thank you captain obvious.

Ironically enough, I had a villiage people tune playing when I was watching this.

This is by far the absolute weirdest thing I've ever seen on jalopnik.

Oh what a feeling!™

Don't be the fox.

@Maymar:You're joking, right?

I've driven the virtual version of this car on Project Gotham Racing 4, and I have to say, the real version looks way better.

That is one hell of a truck.

If I bought it, (and I am not saying I will) I'd turn it into a hearse.

Holy shit that thing looks scary even when not in motion.

This is a tragedy. I like f1, but I don't want to see it like this.

This reminds me of this other site I visit where all they do is talk like that quite a bit. [] (WARNING: SOME SITES MAY BE NSFW)

There's something I've always wanted to know about speed cameras, Say someone did something funny and the camera caught it, would said footage be eligible for "America's Funniest Home Videos"?

@SpeedWagon:Here's a scary thought, what if they found a way to do THAT with a speed camera too. I mean, remotely tasering someone. Now that's scary.