gadge emeritus

I was hoping someone else would have noticed that! Paul's lion being there at the end made me happy.

You mean Oliver missed the point of a gay reference from before his time, preferring his drag to remain safe and uncontroversial? Because that's what he always does, covering it with concerns about the show, the performers and/or Ru herself being 'problematic'.

Is anyone a *fan* of Irreversible? I can see many reactions to it, but I'm not sure being a fan is one of them…

Good for her.

Just here to represent the people who think he's right but also the DC movie universe is terrible, because I can't be alone in that Venn diagram. This article kind of bolsters his point, even.

So less 'one guy predicted the twist' and more 'one guy got a big hint from the author about something that, with hindsight, was about this twist'.
Great work in headline writing, there.

Watch out, Oliver's mind-reading again.

Way to not at all hide that spoiler, AV Club! Even though I had the same belief, it's certainly not helpful to have months upon months of newswire all leading up to this exact revelation.
You might have had fun with it. As I reader of this site, I didn't.

I like The Dollop a lot, and I wish they had more guests; Dave and Gareth together are great, but they've been very successful when including a third person at having it provide a freshness to the dynamic.
In that regard, besides the several already mentioned (Hugh Glass, the Rube, Carry A. Nation) I'm also very fond

You might be right in other instances, but in this case he says that Tarantino basically stole Reservoir Dogs as a shot-for-shot of City of Fire (or whatever it was called). I know that's an exaggeration and it's not something I agree with, but he's hardly alone in accusing Tarantino of theft rather than homage.

I believe that's exactly what you got to see if you watched any of her modelling show, The Face.

I figured she was too busy doing stuff on The Celebrity Apprentice as she's apparently one of the advisers to Schwarzenegger, as well as her new surrogate-born baby, some things I also thought the AVClub would be well aware of if they were going to speculate about what's taking up her time.
Tyra was annoying, but it

An article devoted to carefully, painstakingly explaining a joke so as to remove all traces of humour?
AV Club, you've outdone yourself.

He does this a bit. Actually, most of the reviewers here do this a bit. They're usually a sign of careless watching.

Jake and Fitz are doing exactly what you'd expect them to do, and the thing is, they're not wrong to feel very protective of her, and they're even giving her space like she asked and like they've been known not to do in the past … and yet you can also see how that becomes creepy as well. I liked that aspect, brief as

Yeah, I thought complaining about the women's hotel scene is offbase. It's regarded as a caricature because we don't find her morality believable, since ours is so different.

I do not agree with this review, which seems to believe the show should drop its entire milieu to be entirely about the Chicago protestors as a stand-in for the Ferguson protestors.

Yeah, I've been getting bits here and there that Sonia is watching a different show than I am, and that was a solid strike against her, for me. The Alicia I think *I've* been watching for over five seasons now would not say anything remotely like that, would probably even regard that as a dumb question because of

The reason there's no gay Bachelor/this equivalent is that the premise is always Person (or People) chosen to be pursued has a number of competitors vying to be the one, but the competitors all have to live together.
It rather breaks the show concept the producers have going on if the competitors start pairing off

For the first time, there's no-one I'd feel particularly disappointed if they won. I don't think there was a particular villain this season, as any queen who might have risen to truly hateful either went really early or was never that bad. You can see it in the people casting around in the comments for which queen to