gadge emeritus

The parody is clearly of Low Winter Sun, and reminds me of Miranda's addiction to George and Mimi (I think that's what it was called) on a season of Sex in the City, because it's a way to poke a little fun at the genre while still showing how characters watch TV, like real people.

Wow. You're reading a lot more viciousness and manipulation into this episode than I did. The puppet was too mean-spirited? Dela intentionally tried to go after Bianca? Bianca intentionally threw Dela off her lip-sync game? Everyone seems a lot more good-natured (and funnier) to me than you seem to give them credit

Or, you know, we could wait and see whether the show does such a thing that seems rather antithetical to Leslie's character, and the quality of the show itself, before accusing it of selling her out and reducing women to their biological functions.

I just want to be able to check out the reviews of a specific show easily, preferably all grouped together and able to be sorted so I don't always get large images from episodes I haven't seen yet. Even nicer if I can go by season and find them that way.

Oh for… Fara wasn't going to stab him with those scissors. Though they share creative staff, this isn't 24, where a seemingly side character (grieving wife, wronged mistress) stabbed an important villain before his vital intel was learned almost every season from 2 onwards. But she definitely thought about it, which

Yeah, I was hoping Cris would escape at the end, and that they'd bring her back to be the murderer if there's a second go-round, because (like Lindsay) despite guessing she was the killer I ended up really liking her. Plus, that the killer was both another contestant and yet ultimately a complete McGuffin was

And this is where I started to really hate JD. Not just for the decision to pursue Elliott all year and act like a dick to people like Sean and Danni who stand in his way, then immediately realise he's not in love with her. But this also leads into his descent in further assholedom in the next seasons.