

I prefer to call it the evil unhuman side of history :D

Find a jezzie to go wwith?

babies have a desire to be close to their parents

Now playing

I can not wait until the Supreme Court rules gay marriage constitutional and all states have to recognize marriages from other states. It may not happen this year or this decade but when it does happen I will mock all the republicans.

So parents should just box a baby up and ship it via ups? DA FUQ IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE

so the babies can not cry when their ears hurt?

because crying due to the fact that your ears are in massive amounts of pain and you do not understand makes you a bad traveler.. GTFO


ABC does not want us watching a story on Panda Porn :(

SEC-football like lite regular season...

convicted =! actually 100% did it

Enjoy the b1g pocket change, when the ACC and SEC combine the b1g will be a joke.

post in group think?


Intelligence has never been tied to IQ...

Intelligence? Really?

144 is 99.9 and yeah that is not even remotely likely or even possible

99.9th percentile aka 144 would get you into this group