
No I didn't. I spelled his name correctly.

He's going to make someone a hilarious ex husband someday.

The exact kind of response I expect from someone brainwashed by a cult. I am sorry for you and your ilk.

Or sending thoughts. (as in: a letter of support etc. and not in any way attempting to "send" thoughts. We live in the real world).

And I'm probably the meanest Christian you'll ever meet when I'm seriously pissed.

Condolences and thoughts are useless. They buy the same amount of food as prayers. If you want you to help someone, help them. Money pay's for bills and feeds small mouths, not thoughts, condolences or prayers.

I'm pretty sure nobody gives a shit that you're a Christian, dude.

Good. Should not take to much effort to find out who to send it to in this day and age. Praying does not help with funeral bills, or feeding his family. One true act of kindness is worth infinity prayers.

Why must you turn a personal tragedy into some kind of statement....

Not all religions preach compassion.

Nice job wearing your faith as a badge of arrogance.

That's the spirit! Your god/s would approve of that loving attitude. Fuck those that disagree!

Or you could do something that actually mattered and send money.

Hitler was a conservative Catholic. And the Vatican refused to condemn the Holocaust while it was happening. Bam.

By supporting gay people I am not taking anything away from straight people. I love my straight brothers and sisters. By supporting women's rights I am not denying the rights of men. I am a man and am proud to stand by women fighting for their right to be heard. By supporting people of color, I am not diminishing

I'm going to be entitled, bigoted, and color-blind like my parents, yay. I'm going to choose my choice. And, besides, it's pretty and I like it.

Hahahah, you poor, stupid little fuck. You don't actually get to be the only one deciding the scale of the argument. Nice try though! Too bad you weren't any good at it!

It's pretty easy sitting in an office, hacking away on a MacBook all day, to lay judgment on others. But many people don't have the resources or understanding on how to deal with some of the most difficult of life's decisions. I read that ad and I hear desperation, not criminality.

Pretty sure the number "69" is still illegal in a few places.