
make a facebook group!!!!! or something since the meetup forum is dead dead dead



and? It means the PC versions will not be getting as shitty ports since they all will run x86 cpus. also games will be optimized to run on the pc better?

Consoles will have PC hardware and you are complaining?


It takes talent to be that insane

HA!! I see what you did there..

He is talented :)

Actually I think it takes talent to be bat shit insane like that

this video is always good for a laugh

Our rational naughty brains are not the target audience :D

5 course penis meal!!!!!

Also why buy a candle to make it into a dildo when you could just get a pack of these?

What is the problem with just using a washed carrot? Why the need for a head?

How is this even safe? I think the casing would make it safer....

This is not okay.

but I believe scores in the 145-159 range have a frequency something like 1 in 1000, and the 160-174 range is 1 in 30,000, so we're not all that rare. C Umm no..Someone should research a little .

No it is not.