Gabrielle Cynique


Charming ad hominem. Personally I thought it was dark, blurry, and boring. I like Game of Thrones for its witty dialogue, baroque plotting, and rich characterizations. I found this nearly dialogue free 90 minutes deeply tedious.

And now grey...


Yeah but they said it was a field trip to MOMA.

Nope. :/

Yay!! Does that mean I’m out of the grays???

I just finished watching Episodes and OH MY GOD. One, I’ve never met another Stephen Mangan fan. He is Dirk Gentley. But two, yeah! When you see the disconnect between Joey and fake-Matt LeBlanc you can really appreciate the depth of his acting. Wait, is Patrick Stewart not a deeply intellectual tea sipping poet

After I finally got Netflix and watched the entire show 4 times, I was really wondering if they retailored his character to the actor. He’s a little bit (a lot a bit) rapey to start, and he transitions into this lovable doofus who might in fact spend 20 minutes fruitlessly trying to sign a mug.

Oh the 90s were a fraught decade. The first half was excellent and the second was graduated from college, deeply poor, living in New York, and panic attacks.

But if any of those Friends abided by the theme song and had an entire bad year, it was always Ross. Now that I’ve watched the entire show, what a miserable

Ive told this at a LOT of parties!!

Thank you!! I’ve always wanted to be ungreyed on Jez. When the Gawker sale took place I went back to the sad sad sad greys.

There’s a part of me that always said: “Does Joey just stand outside of the NBC studio store waiting to be recognized??”

I’m at the NBC studio store in New York. It’s maybe 1999? My favorite cousin was a HUGE Friends fan. I barely know Friends myself (I didn’t even own a TV at the time, because of being poor). So I went there to buy her some merch. I chose this giant Friends Central Perk latte mug. Seemed like a fun gift!

I’m leaving the

I usually go into a movie reviewed by io9 and thinking “They were flown out to the set, had access to the stars, were put up in fancy hotels by the studio, and therefore I don’t trust them at all.” It has served me well. io9 isn’t Harry Knowles bad. But they can be starfuckers. (they’re just not Harry Knowles-level

I say this is as a woman who doesn’t particularly like Michael Burnham either:

I know it’s nitpicking, but Julie misspelled the lead actress’s name in Dora earlier. Every fucking week she posts these lazy weekend recaps with zero insight and multiple typos and I am just sick of Julie Muncy. I’m sure she’s passionate about the material but she’s goddamned sloppy in her fact checking and editing.

Isabela with one L.

They 100% didn’t pad him because he couldn’t bulk up in time. This is a conscious choice to make an actor look like a child’s vision of a superhero.

Seeing it tonight!! Reviews to follow!!