
It was on the news earlier that the California State Legislature is reviewing management and oversight of land rentals underneath highways. On a cost vs. benefit, the state got screwed on this one. It is just not worth the risk. 

I have serious questions about that TSA location. Does TSA monitor and test how well staff are doing their jobs? If this doesn’t warrant a review, then what will?

By all means, don’t let Richard Hammond know.

If you need to enjoy the gravel, then $8K will get you there. But other gravel riders won’t give you much credit for doing it with battery power. If for cyclocross, then you will not have fun shouldering it and running . No doubt it will make a nice commuter, but far from ideal. Good luck securing it NYC or anywhere

Wow... the days when you could purchase a new VW without radio! That is a flashback. 

My first new car was a MKII. I put near 180K miles on it before giving it away. The engine was durable and didn’t use oil. This was model was “unobtainium” in the 1980s. Assuming no issues with rust, this would be ideal in SoCal.

Agreed. For instance, I yelled at by angry drivers for taking the lane during a bicycle education class. There should be more emphasis in driver training on the getting along with other modes of travel.

Texas is just not bicycle friendly, though my experience is not recent. Credit to you for even considering it.

That has got to be a bucket list drive!  Where do you do from there? 

Not crazy at all. I have a relative who did it for a while before his wife and empty wallet brought him to his senses. He is a respected professional who should have known better. At his old job he drove a beast of a vehicle for good reason and didn’t have to foot the bill. Now retired and onto another career, his new

Creating a super special aluminum alloy that will not crack? Good luck! That picture of a cracked Tesla frame reminds me that aluminum bicycle frames eventually crack. This the reason why I ride a titanium mountain bike frame (made in US).

Enduro? Looks like a trials bike to me, but never seen one with mirrors before.

My CO in an Army Cavalry Unit of M-1 tanks had one of these. It was the 80s. I on the other hand had an ‘78 Fiat X1/9 with 66 hp but much better driving dynamics. 

The advertising is award winning.

Yes, what garage? No offense, but housing stock in the US is much more varied than you imagine. No, not all garages have 240V. It is funny that someone would presume so. I am in SoCal with 1950s knob-and-tube wiring. That means that I have porcelain knobs with individual wires connected to them. The wires aren’t even

I do wonder how many of those they will actually sell. 

Sad to say that this is a regular occurrence in Florida. I have even seen instances where the car mounted the concrete planters placed in front of such establishments.

Couldn’t they use the funds to fix the NHS instead? More Brits would benefit. 

I would think that price would apply to the 2wd version. I see those occasionally. This is super rare and in great share for what it is. 

This is Uncle Sam’s stuff so it has got to be in a different category. Clearly the lowest bidder wins the government contract. In some sense this is an upgrade. Consider that military jeeps were secured with a chain and lock around the steering wheel.