
He experienced waymo problems than expected.

Don’t do it!

President Elect-Rapist Trump just named Vanga head of the National Transportation Safety Board

In a related report, King Vanga was able to successfully sue his parents....for naming him King Vanga.

Popehat is an amazing attorney, good on him for helping the family.

It’s also worth noting that Stanford reviewed the situation and basically said, “it’s fine”. Guess his tuition checks were still clearing.

a valid point for a normal car but in a tesla with no classic gearshift throwing it in neutral is hard. id also argue that a floormat that can be installed badly enough to jam the throttle is a design issue and not a user issue (unless the floormat is a ebay special).

$1,700 more than mine.

The guy is trying to buy a ~$90k car while being $29k underwater and only has $7500 to put down. Assuming a 6.5% car tax (this is a guess) and a 10% interest rate (no way this guy is in single digits), you hit that $2500 with 60 months of payments.

The only judging he is doing is the monthly amount.  If you gave him a $2500/month payment for 30 years to get a Bentley you know what he would be rolling out of the dealership with.

That’s about $1000 more than my mortgage....  (And my car payments are currently $0.)  I can’t even imagine that level of financial irresponsibility.  

First thing I thought.  I wonder how much more lead I was exposed to from 1996-2000 when I left my house, right across a cornfield from a little airport.

I guess we should hurry up and FINALLY ban the shit that keeps flying over my house then, eh FAA?

At first glance, this looks to me like operator error akin to the Audi 5000 fiasco, but that’s just a wild ass guess on my part that gives me no pleasure because I very much know Tesla’s automated driving is potentially dangerous and very overhyped by a certain individual. 

I loved the part of that ‘What in the world are they spraying?’ mockumentary when they went to an old aluminum mine and found that the soil and water there contained the exact parts per million of aluminum found in the Earth’s crust anywhere and used that as an example of chemtrails being real.

It’s called the Patronage System. It was actually very much the direct, accepted, and unapologetic way of doing presidential appointments way into the 19th century (as opposed to the somewhat less obvious method since then).

His comment about Tesla highlights the massive conflict of interest Musk has. No CEO should be in government, much less the world’s richest, with lucrative government contracts.

Hey, remember how Tesla got Department of Energy loans back in the day to support their early manufacturing!?

I vote for he knows he’s lying and doesn’t care.

And it is ALWAYS the petty tyrants that manage to esconce themselves onto the HOA board.