
... and there lies the problem. What are the chances that someone who couldn’t afford the payments actually bothered to take care of the vehicle without any undue abuse?  I am just guessing here, but I am sure the thought was ... Screw it!

Good point! Consider that a Rav4 is 23/30 mpg. 

Yes. Just look at the gauge cluster through the steering wheel. It is a flashback to the 1980s! They can do much better. 

M-1 tank. M113 will beat you up, but the tank is smooth about 15-20 mph. The torsion bar suspension made all the difference. Though putting on track with hand tools is a pain, and thrown tracks will cost you a lot of beer, the sheer mass is amazing. Just be sure the turret is locked, else you may become two (parts,

Was this the car that had the body panels flown over from Italy in a 747? I recall GM making a big deal out of that!

Perhaps a waste, but no more than the M4s I see being driven by some really elderly drivers.  There vehicles too will likely never get driven anywhere near their potential.  Sort of sad, but that is the cost of supplying the market. 

Sounds about right, but let us not forget the hefty down payment. Something like $2,500 - $3,000.  My employer had a special deal such as this on the i3, if I correctly recall.

I saw one better in Amsterdam. I saw two locals nearly collide on wet cobbles near the city center. Though no one crashed, the two ladies did exchange what appeared to be very heated words. A minute later, it was over. I would hate to think what it would have been like had one been a tourist! Mind you, this is a

Yes, Amazing effort. Although I would have paid few bucks for an upholstery hop to stitch the steering wheel. 


IWC - nice watch. Best is that you will not likely be spotted by a non-watch enthusiast. No undue attention such as Rolex, Breitling, etc. I choose a Ball as daily wearer.

Thank you! It was a great show. 

I will be in Vero later this week and may have to stop in and ask. Why not? 

At six months overdue, it can be impounded on the spot per 22651(o)(1)(A)(Impound) Vehicle Registration Expired Six Months

You have to give them credit for not brushing it off, even if it just one. That is impressive when it comes to following the rules. Kudos! 


Great idea, but lets be realistic. How many owners can locate the appropriate fuse quickly without referring to the manual? Hell, some manuals don’t even diagram the fuse box anymore. 

To bad. I saw one being driven on I-10 in Arizona this spring. It looked like a neat vehicle, an alternative to the Honda Ridgeline. 

So just how is it that in this modern safety oriented culture, compromising the CEO’ quality control protocols, and despite warnings by even the lawyers, does something like this happen? Especially where the “Quality is Job 1” is the corporate mantra. For shame.

A.k.a Ronson (lighter) - and Sherman tanks had many types of engines.