
Try to get over it Koenigsegg. It will sell at whatever the market can bear. This does sound very “Trumpian” to complain about such a thing. But then again, this is all about status. 

Agreed! The ‘01 Golf 5 speed that the wife brought to the marriage is just a fine runabout for errands. Having a very short commute, it is the perfect car that meets our needs. I am an automobile enthusiast with a boring ride. The doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy taking corners or a well executed downshift. A simple, light

Puma’s do exist in SoCal. A guy down the street has one. I always thought it was a kit car form the 1970s. Go figure! 

Wasabi Peas (dried)! Nice hot snack that wakes you up. Should you happen to rub tired eyes, your eye-lids will burn for a long time. You will be awake well afterwards as the burn is long lasting and gives a whole new dimension to enjoying a spicy snack. 

I am so glad that I no longer have to travel for work.

OK, I give up. I have seen only one of these in the wild - at the Frankfurt airport. How is it that the Z1 become front and center much lately? Neat, but so are a dozen other cars of the same era. (i.e. Audi Quattro, RENULT R5, Lancias....) The structural build is nothing not shared with the Fiero of the same time. (I

Saturn had steel roof and hood, or so I recall. The rest was composite of some type, much like the Pontiac Fiero.

I count on Jason Torchinsky to list something off the wall and unique (pun intended.) Again, I was not disappointed!

As a Golf owner this sucks. But then again, I have had mine for 19 years. We are on our second Sportwagen (only due to buyback). There aren’t many small cars that age well in terms of styling.

It worked well, assuming you didn’t forget your meal or you were called to move. The grills actually held the pouches in place. Just needed gloves to remove it, else you would burn fingers. 

Neat. We had to get out and cook on the back of our M-1s, but a warm turbine jet blast was frequently welcome. By the way, that Challenger turret looks mighty thin!

(+) Thank you for pointing out how dreadful these things sound. I can’t believe that some people like them.

Sad, but true. As a bicycle commuter I see way to much of this.

Tom, thank you for addressing these concerns. I have pondered about questions like these. (The Jeep sounds ideal; but, I am not in the market for one.)

The officer should be cited. No way was that safe for anyone concerned. Just a very sad example of poor judgement by someone who should know better. How much in work comp will this cost the city?   

Congrats Roberto! Just remember what you did - the last time I rotated my tires, I have used unkind words to recall the tech who also just “zipped” my lug nuts. Nothing that a trip to the dealer for new lug nuts didn’t fix. 

Nice price... if you really want this particular car from a unique time. Although it is AMAZING that it is a manual! No one these days would consider making a convertible sedan with a manual.  

Thanks for the Flashback - ugh...all the rental cars I drove.

If this is your thing, a new Dodge 3500 with a Cummings Diesel is a much better buy. This is the last year a manual is available. 

I was just thinking that it is time to go and Mk VII GTI new before everything goes all digital. In the mean time I have my wife’s ‘01 Mk IV to remind my how well VW does electrics. Mad door locks provide endless entertainment!