
Harley is selling $4.2 K bicycles to get new riders in the door? This is a joke, right? The headline is sure to appear in NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t tell me!”

As at TDI owner, I can tell you that not all diesel pumps are the large diameter type. At truck stops, yes, but not on pump islands that also dispense regular.

I swear they are all automatic. Listings are frequently incorrect even when they say manual.

There is something to be said for Keeping is Simple S.... (KISS)

Louis you made a great choice. I had the same color and model for 12 years and 175K miles before it was hit and totaled. The window regulators are easy DIY; but, a pop-rivet tool may come in handy. The difficulty engaging first while parking break seems unrelated. I have the factory roof rack for this model which you

I had the same car. This is the lightest version made at this time. Engine bay has plenty of room to work in.

This really is nuts - can’t we just keep it simple? With the recent CA state tax increase on gas ($0.16/gal additional) and the increase in vehicle registration (an additional $25-$175), they are worried about the cost of postage? Really? Wait, this would be a good feature for April 1st!

This is one of the most scenic roads in Tampa. As the name indicates, it winds long the bay. It is very attractive to tourists, joggers, dog walkers and to anyone wanting to enjoy the best the city has to offer.

Agreed, but don’t publicize. Doing so would just give them what they seek.

Just be sure to use those headlights at dusk. The little power they consume is nothing compared to the potential of a bicyclist winding up on the hood.

I can hear you and am pleased that there is one less behind the wheel. Just rode to work - nothing beats a post bicycle ride buzz and a low resting heart rate. I don’t think Laz-e-Boy has that feature!

Only when leisure suits make a come back!

Nice ride. I like the wood instrument panel. I wonder if a TDI would fit? (On a recent mtb ride, another rider I was passing took a look at my Dean Ti Duke and called it “retro”. I replied “so is the rider!) (15+ years in ancient for mtb frame, but nothing for titanium frame!)

Bravo - Point well made!

Stef that was a tired joke lacking imagination that is best left on the elementary school playground. You are better than that.

Regarding the moose and elk... don’t swerve if you are driving a SAAB or Volvo. They are actually designed to survive moose encounters. If in doubt, see crash tests on youtube.)

A. People who miss exits and reverse on the shoulder. Also those who will cut-off three lanes of traffic in order to not be (A).

Especially on Leafs and Prius! At dusk a silver one without lights becomes near invisible when coming up on a bicyclist on the shoulder.

Awesome deal! You just don’t see these anymore.

Kristen, that is a nice shift lever. What vehicle is it from?