
Do to my habit of driving a manual, when I had to do a cross country drive with my sister and her automatic Civic, I drove her nuts by my habit of putting it into neutral at red lights.

Agreed. I would also add that the same goes for the interior. I recall there was a dramatic difference in the feeling one got in the VW vs the Omni. Think of tasteful minimalism versus gaudy velour. (It would be nice to see pictures if anyone has to share.)

Well that explains Cohen’s use of “sharp elbow tactics” which is why Trump likes him. No doubt the value of his medallion’s have taken a bath. (They go for about $180K cash or $250K+ if you have to finance.) Still at the above rates he gets $27.6K per medallion per year. I do wonder what his rate of return is it on

And of course not available in the US! Nuts! We are just not worthy.

Wow! I don’t think I will ever buy a Good Year product ever again. Right there with Nestle!

That video is just plain chum for a car nut. Really well done! Regarding the gearbox, you must wonder about at gearbox that uses one part standard and one part metric as per design.

Though no Trump fan, I agree with your point. Why can’t we adopt a “mirroring” of trade rules. If they put 25% on our cars, let us put 25% on theirs. Surely that should bring them back to the table.

Not a very clear article. Sounds like anything associated with Diesel is dead. I am willing to bet that direct injected engines are next.

As a former M-1 tanker and instructor, I take exception the the statement that US crews use manuals to complete their tasks. Although reference materials are used during training, and likely there in the field, qualified personnel have them don’t reference these during battle.

I agree regarding that air pump. And what about those mounts. I just ordered factory ones - these are the 4th set!

Agreed. Then I see my neighbor riding his cruiser down the street while checking his cell phone!

Having been t-boned on a bike at 45 MPH, this video sent my heart racing! Good reminder why I only admire motorcycles. Lucky the rider was not out at the white line waiting to get the jump on the cars when the light turned green. It seems to be a very common practice in California.

Already did!

Childhood nostalgia? You have got to be kidding! From a perspective of someone born and raised for a good part childhood behind the iron curtain, I hate these things. Though I will admit that they may be durable, in the same way that they are just a step away from farm machinery. Handling is not a priority. Disc

As a bicycle commuter, I fear Uber’s autonomous vehicles as much as I fear distracted drivers and Leaf/Prious without headlights at dusk. (Really, are those few electrons going to get you that much further down the road?)

Five or Six? So long as it has three pedals! But isn’t this as much as befitting the engine’s torque curve, the cars intended use and the road? It also matters if you are talking about autocrossing or burning up the miles on the autobanh.

OMG - is that a manual shift lever? What do I have to do to get one of those stateside?

Good tip regarding checking hoses.

Unless you have a Mitsubishi Montero where the hub has to be removed to replace the rotor. Not fun.

Agreed. Makes me want to hold onto my 2001 MkIV Golf that much more. (The last version before DI.)