
I foresee that vehicles without all the nanny gadgets will be much sought after. Those who care will be paying a premium not to be monetized.

Perhaps you don’t and that is OK. This car is from a different time.

Just the thing for those with more money than common sense. Nice that they make themselves known to the rest of us!

Wow. That is hard to beat!

Stef, is this really Jalop worthy? RIP Alfa. I guess I like cars to much to get enjoyment out of this. Hoonigan = lack of imagination and I also despise everything related to them!

Couple of ATVs. I am in.

Let us not forget that sometime they charge much more for leaving stuff out - isn’t that a product designer’s dream?

I still don’t get you the money works out. I am only a CPA and it doesn’t make cents to me!

... and there are bicycles that are every bit as American as HD. I ride a Dean, but there is Yeti, Moots, Litespeed and Lynskey - all titanium and made in the USA. If used properly, they will keep you in a healthier lifestyle than a Hog!

In HS I had a Black ‘79 without AC in Florida. I just couldn’t keep it in college given the commuting. In 50K miles it never failed me. I would like another just for fun. I miss unique cars like that. We live in bland Lexus land.

Here is a point that no one has yet brought up - how long will it take to repair that Tesla? I have been cut off by a few manually driven Teslas - driven as if the rules do not apply, and presume that their cars can be repaired as quickly as any other. I do wish Teslas would be driven with more care and less

I have been in the back of one of those, although not driven at such speed. It was a blast!

I have the ideal ball installed right now for this same purpose. A glow in the dark dog ball. It has two holes in it and fits into a standard dog ball chucker. With the holes, it is easy to suspend.

Waiting for a tow truck?

Wow! I am also ready to give up on dealerships, but the insults you described are unbelievable.

‘01 Golf owner that the wife brought to the marriage. 155K miles with original clutch, new suspension and new factory cat. I have the Bentley manual and no fear! Just replaced the thermostat which cost $30 vs friend’s Mini Cooper where the same procedure cost $600!

Free is not always a good deal. I got the prior gen Passat free as well from my parents. Service was up to date but the second engine rebuild was too much for me. Not VW fault. The first was a hydro-locked engine due to a big puddle and the deer carcass that rolled at me from underneath the tractor trailer I was

Another reason to drive a manual - I don’t recall seeing instances of unintended acceleration.

Tom, thank you for sharing the insights about VW dealers. It is challenging to remain a VW enthusiast despite the shenanigans of the typical VW dealership.

I have laughed at badge engineering since High School when I complemented my friend on his Escot. It was then that he pointed out that it was a Mercury Lynx!