

I was giving Hindy and the Radio Le Mans team the heads up from about 30 minutes out. He is a space geek.

For some reason I’m reminded of the green sports car from the old Star Trek series where they visited a planet that was similar to earth, but the people had really shitty tastes....

Looks like something from Speed Racer the cartoon

horse rack

My former friend Cindy (and she’s former because of what you’re about to read) planned her whole life around getting married. That was her raisin d’être. 😁

Al Bundycat


“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Now playing

This is here for any of the I-drens who has not seen Ronald Reagan strafing Watt & D. Boon

This is my favorite album of all time. God bless D Boon.

R.I.P. D.Boon

one the keys to understanding how president circus peanut deals with people that he has contracted, is that he treats their goods and services like a normal person treats tipping at a restaurant - if he feels as though the level of service he demands has fallen flat, he does a little song and dance and simply pays