
All of these tips are completely relevant for going to a three-day IndyCar or F1 race weekend. It’s so easy to go bonkers on day one with the running around and the drinking. After that, days two and three suck. Don’t be that guy or gal who passes out from exhaustion halfway through day three. Your friends will hate

RIP MR2, you didn’t deserve this.”

It’s a farm where hamburgers come from.

My first time behind the wheel of a full-sized vehicle (I was an avid karter at the local minigolf and kart fun center for several years prior) was the farm truck at my step-grandparents’ hamburger farm in southern Georgia. I was probably 14, though maybe 13. I got to take the truck out for a spin in the field. If

It’s one of those days where nothing is going to warm the track. The air temp is going to go up any. The rain may let up, but it’s not going to stop. That track is going to be somewhere around 60 degreesand wet (at best) all day.

Regarding Florida Man... Florida has nice weather most of the year and the cost of living is low. People come here to get away, to start over, to hide. Weird shit happens here because weird people end up here. Couple that with ample booze, drugs, some wildlife that can kill you, and heavy tourist traffic and even

Range. One charge has to get you at least 450 miles, preferably more. If one is road-tripping, that’s a decent day’s drive for the average person. 450 miles is about 6 to 7 hours of driving, depending on a few variables. Any longer than that and you are probably stopping for a meal, so might as well charge while

Fun fact: ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’ was, in part, written as a snarky response to the saccharine sweetness of ‘Love Will Keep Us Together.’

Based on the video and my experience going to Sebring, Mr. Lanky was not inside the track property, but on Hayward Blvd on the northeast side of the track. They could have used a different track layout if they wanted to keep prying eyes off the car as much as possible, but they didn’t.

As it was told to me by Watt... he knows Spize Jonez, one of the creators of Jackass. Watt was asked to let them use the song in the show and he gave all the money to D. Boon’s dad, who had been sick with emphysema.


I enjoy that Deadspin Up All Night is slowly become all Minutemen, all the time. Keep up the good work. 

Last year, someone brought one to this fancy car show we have down here in St. Pete. It was one of the best cars there. All the kids were drooling over the La Ferrari, a P1, and a Veyron. But they didn’t know what they were missing over to the side, away from the fancy stuff. It was gorgeous. We sat and talked with

I have a question for Fancy Kristen,

I can’t even explain without pulling a Watt (and writing a novel about it) how much Watt means to me. He is a national treasure. Rather than write the longest comment known to man, I’ll just leave this here, Watt (with Pete and Raul) at my house with my son back in 2004.

Now playing

So Florida... yeah... we have this jackass (I think he’s in New York, too) advertising that he’s giving away” vacations, laptops, kayaks, cruises, and FREE CARS in his horrible tv ads.

My first car was an ‘81 Corolla Wagon. As soon as I buy another one, my last car will be an ‘81 Corolla Wagon. 

I’m going as Sexy Blinker Fluid. 

I know this car! Kind of. It spent a good portion of it’s life in Tampa, FL. I first came across it 1999 at USF. I was taking a scuba certification class which my girlfriend (now wife was teaching). Some dude in the class owned it and it was his daily driver. He was maybe 18 or 19 years old. I could never get up the