GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

Booby traps?

You are too late El Spiegador. I have already win her heart, woo'ed her and completed the impregnation. Rip Taylor just happened to be there and he carries the tubes with him all the time. So. You lose this round senor.

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Fast in, fast out. Tires smoking gets you bonus points. Driftasaurus means someone gets to buy you dinner. Avoiding the morons gets you bragging rights.

A damned shame.

At 2:02...

It appears to be a Paratransit conversion. That is probably not a bad price for a completed handicapable vehicle.

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My wife and I are visible at :026 and 0:55 -> in the video that Bill posted up above...

Merkur XR4Ti

I think you mean iRobot. Jeff Vintar called it when the NS5 saved detective Spooner instead of the 12-year old girl.

Oh, well duh, that's the problem, it's a VX, not a CX.... nonovurbizniz isn't just wrong, he's seriously uninformed.

Avoid Indiana? Done.

I lost count of his stickers after I reached 20, mostly because I was drunk... he had them in some strange and amazing places. Including a few backs.

Dammit Swine, were you there as well!?!?!

As soon as I saw it was an article about the Civic, I tl;dr it.

I am fairly sure that I heard Ray poop himself a little going into Bentley curve...

Tell it to the JPC Racing intake...

Which is why I love you.

Look up "weight jacking".

When we lived in Houston, I remember my dad's friends talking about it and calling it a Houston rolling stop.