GåßëÊdwå®d§: Back in black.

You guys just made me choke on a ham sandwich and shoot coke out of my nose in rapid-fire quick succession... please. No more. I can't take it anymore. I love the stock photo of the beartrap... fucking painfully funny.

Plastic surgery must cost Roberto a huge amount of money...

What do you mean by "look back"? Anybody with a lick of sense in the US (and everyone in most of the rest of the world) has been saying that since Captian W decided to go to war with "terrorists" in 2001. People in Britain, Israel, and a bunch of other countries were just dumbfounded. There were news articles openly

Because ECTO1

I believe you mean "amirite?"...

Hell, I've seen, touched, been in and driven hundreds (if not thousands) of amazing, stunning, unique, horrendously expensive cars (including a few Lambos) and I STILL TAKE PICTURES OF EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Of all the places to crash, he got lucky. Can you imagine if he had accidentally hit an Audi sign??? He's probably going to be grounded, he'll have to do extra chores around the house, and his entire allowance will have to go to fixing the garage door...

Yeah, all bicyclists are TERRORISTS! Also, we should ban walking in NYC. Ok, I have one for you; "A terrorist walks into a Consulate." .... "BOOM!" As a matter of fact, we need to figure out how to pack more cars into our major metropolitan areas. Whatever happens though, we should fight to make sure that expansion of

Do you have a flag?

Well, sod is a foreshortening of the act of sodomy. A "bloody sod" translates (roughly) to bloody sodomite, or to be more graphic, bloody assfucker. Another favorite expletive of mine (being British and raised by a NorthYorkshireman) is "stupid bugger" and "bugger bugger bugger" which is based on the english term

The original was a gag patent filing or press release from GE in the 40's. Somebody else redid it a few times. It was turned into a "manual" and THEN Bud Taggart(?) did it for GM. So, technicially, this Chrysler version isn't even the original... but, yes, it was a one-take thing. There is an interview with some guy


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Yep. I learn something new every time I watch it.

Sounds good. I don't care what flavor I get... as long as the equipment is laid out the right way.

What Medvedev was planning on doing till the proletariat got in his way.

This looks shopped.

Thank you. You saved me from typing that out.

He's not related to Jim Lovell is he?