The judge said the sentences are to run consecutively. He got the full 263 years.
Seldom have I gotten so much shadenfreude as I do when I see him cry.
Kwhat the Kheck is a Kocktail?
I agree. Also, it’s safe to assume that her friends were also highly intoxicated and probably not thinking quite as clearly as hindsight commenters on the internet.
It’s also interesting, that Olivia was doing far worse, and as much as the other girls were hating on her privately, not one of them ever voiced any desire to confront her, individually or as a group. They would not have had the balls. They all saw and recognized how confident and aggressive she was, and didn’t dare.…
I usually watch this show with a smirk on my face the entire time, with a few hearty laughs thrown in, but last night was on a whole other level. I found myself screaming, “Are you fucking kidding me?” a few times. I’m having next day regret about getting so emotional about this shit.
Watching this last night I couldn’t WAIT for this article because the level of racist insanity the mean girls got to was really something new. What was with them all saying she thinks she’s “queen bee”?? I found that particularly odd because withdrawing from a group of people who are attacking you isn’t what a queen…
Jubilee!!! So glad to see a girl who is more of a real person than 95% of the girls ever on this show. It was deeply stupid for the girls to be “offended” about her joke about not wanting the helicopter date. They just don’t like that she doesn’t want to play the game the way that it’s been generally accepted.
The next time you notice something strange in the neighborhood, who exactly are you going call? Melissa McCarthy,…
he doesn’t owe us his HIV status.
In a very special #TBT, Hillary Clinton shared a photo of herself with husband Bill Clinton from her 48th birthday…
The tiny baby has no idea his cardboard BattleMech would be the deadliest costume in the play-school, while his dad—h…
those are some A++ 3d models
After reading about the mother throwing her baby out a window & the creep who was holding a 14 year old hostage this is exactly what I needed.