
The image of a fantasy dagger you posted shows a knife which is clearly both a) a dagger, and b) designed to not be effective for killing. This refutes your statement that “all daggers are designed for killing”, unless you consider this to only be a fantasy knife and not a fantasy dagger.

Handguns are still legal in the USA for the same reason they are also still legal in Canada and around the world. For when a restraining order isn’t enough to prevent you from getting raped and/or murdered by a stalker.
One out of three women suffers sexual assault at least once in her life. Weapons, if properly

So a glass breaker scares you into wanting to ban this? Glass breakers save lives, they are an escape tool than can get you out of a car wreck quickly and prevent you from drowning or burning alive. Unlike in the movies, real glass is hard to break, it is highly recommended to have a glass breaker and seatbelt cutter

@Jesus Diaz You do realize that this is still not as lethal as any axe or sword, right? Yet, axes and swords are not at all “more” illegal than knives, daggers, broadhead hunting arrows and crossbow bolts.

I’m not sure if your comment would still be valid if competitive FPS Esports like CS were played with joysticks instead of a keyboard and mouse.

I think you have it backwards. Actually aiming with a rifle should be the less risky option. And the more risky hip-firing shouldn’t have any greater rewards. Since when does “spray and pray” not involve some form of crossed fingers?

And even when you factor in smart-linked optics and recoil-compensating power armor,