
Yeah I’m Canadian so I thought that’s what beer was till my mid 20s and I really hated beer because of it. Someone introduced me to a local craft beer and it changed my life. A handful of years ago I quit my job, grew a beard (kidding! I've always been a yeti), took a paycut and now I’m a brewer. Wierd how things work

I hate anything on my beer glass.

Molson Canadian is garbage. Absolute garbage.

Ball don’t lie.

Rondo. The Celtics were a big 4. There’s only a handful of guys who have the facilitation skills to keep all those guys happy. 


I would say it depends on the beer and depends on what brewery is making it as well. I’m going to trust an older bottle of Sierra Nevada whatever over ol’ Jimmy-was-a-homebrewer-1-barrel-brewery. That being said, I don’t look at dates as much as I should.

Unless you’re drinking a crappy beer 1" - 2 fingers of foam is ideal.


Big breweries DO definitely blend batches. But the other advantage is, they get first pick of all the crops and they always know exactly what they’re getting. If one crop is way out of spec, they’re not taking it. 

Kobe is right up there with Kevin Federline in the goat ranking

When breweries have collab days, is mostly one sober person doing the work and everyone else getting shittered. Posing for some pictures adding the special ingredients so the marketing guys can post it on social media. Done.

I’m a lifelong Cherry fan. Owned every rock em sock em. I religiously watch coaches corner. Etc etc

Max Kellerman needs to go back to talking about boxing and only boxing. He's turned into such a fucking clown. 

So that’s why Harden is always flopping around on the ground. MVP.

Good ol' Sam Cassell. His big balls dance is the best. Helps that he looks like an alien.

Shut your mouth. 

A typical atypical Jon Jones test. 

As a professional brewer, I hope you never become a professional brewer. 

You’re totally correct about it not being considered a glamorous job until recently. There’s very little that’s glamorous about it. Brewing is mostly cleaning. You get these kids fresh out of school, some who switched from other not physical at all degrees into brewing school and they get to the brewery and realize