
this article kinda bugs me and it’s entirely petty and i completely and fully acknowledge that yet here I am posting it.


damn man. grew up a jays fan. watched many of his games. great pitcher. i was happy to see him get a chance to win in philly. sad day.

Pitino having the gall to brag about how this 5 star recruit landed in his lap so effortlessly, with no cost or recruiting necessary is right up there with Raffy waving his finger at congress right before getting caught juicing.


So let me get this straight. Kneeling during the anthem isn’t OK but a buncha dudes holding hands is? That’s not my America.



Don’t hate on seven mary three!

NBA Euro Invasion: Pt 2. Who’s gonna replace Dirk as the best Tall European? Jokic is tons fun to watch. And Giannis!!!!! Nurkic made Portland interesting once he was unleashed. Saric in Philly. Porzingis. Gobert. Milos Teosodic isn’t tall but he made the clippers signigicantly better. I was enjoying the lob city

Well, at least it wasn’t sexual in any way

Gudas meet badass

But most of the time, you I just want a cold one bland lager.

Dirty lines most likely. Places like that always have the shittiest beer lines.

What does that mean, exactly?

have you ever tasted frost out of your freezer? shit tastes gross. It’s not optimal for the beer either to be that cold. Unless it is shit beer then yes, colder the better.

It really depends on what you’re drinking.

I’m sorry this is all absolute bulliest of bull shit.

This album is front to back great.

took me longer than it should’ve to figure out what serggin cuff means.