I think you’re forgetting the WE GOT NEXT wnba ad campaign that I swear was every 2nd commercial during the nba season.
I think you’re forgetting the WE GOT NEXT wnba ad campaign that I swear was every 2nd commercial during the nba season.
I disagree. Fighting is part of hockey. Just like body checks.
Boo. This take sucks.
If Winnipeg could get their shit together for a playoff run...
Wrong genes dude.
Thank you for being a good role model and for making Victoria BC proud. 250 Represent!
the look on JT’s face is priceless.
They held Hamilton over every other teams head if they didnt build a new arena. Hamilton kept Copps NHL ready just in case for many years. Whether or not the Leafs were ever going to let it happen is another thing.
They’re gonna use Quebec like they used Hamilton.
uhhh Edmonton is pretty close. As is Calgary.
maybe he meant his CBD high? dudes got some fucked up hips.
This shot was huge. Only a handful of guys make that shot. Only one guy makes that pass though and LeBron wants Melo on the team instead of that guy. Smh.
Could’ve said something. Didn’t. Missed her chance. She’ll settle for twitter posts and meaningless shit like that.
She still could’ve said SOMETHING. I agree with almost everything you said but this was her chance to make an actual statement with millions of eyes on her and she passed on it.
That’s a pretty ish not great
She just sang her so song. That was it. Lame.
Just as I thought, she didn’t wanna cause a ruckus. Not gonna stop the gravy train not gonna speak up against trump not gonna say anything of worth. She’ll probably say something on Facebook or twitter. Missed a chance though. She’s a singer and that’s it.
I grew up with a brother with little to no concern for his own well being. he ended up being a professional bmx dirt jumper for a very short period of time until he hurt himself for the last time (on a bike). some of the things i’ve seen him and his friends do for nothing but glory is downright insane.
It’s not a cheap hobby. I traded my hobby in to work at a brewery and now I kinda miss homebrewing. i’ll get back to it eventually