
I have 3 ferrets and they've never bitten anyone, let alone ate fingers. They're not gross, either. They're like kittens.

By your logic, it's also fair to say that dogs eat baby faces (because it has happened on rare occasions, in cases of extreme neglect/abuse). I'm sick of ill-informed people talking shit about ferrets. One abused ferret attacked a neglected baby once. It's not like it's a daily occurrence.

Yes, we will do that on the same day that anyone gives a shit about what you think.

Or Twitter is how they foreplay.

My god, what kind of face is this even? How seriously gorgeous can a person get?!

Oh my bad. I'm not fully versed on the rules for stupid things.

@stellalukin: If your comment has to start with "please don't flame the f out of me" and end with "no judgement, but" you should probably just keep it to yourself.