I think you mean "Why some stupid, ignorant white people struggle to believe them…" Because to anybody else it's pretty fucking obvious.
I think you mean "Why some stupid, ignorant white people struggle to believe them…" Because to anybody else it's pretty fucking obvious.
As a longtime Everton fan with an ardent dislike of anything Red, I was thrilled when he was traded to Chelsea. And I was positively gleeful watching him aimlessly run around and whiff easy shots. It was a stunningly fast downfall for a once terrifying striker. But now I just feel bad for the guy.
How do you feel listening to, say, Chuck Berry or James Brown or Frank Sinatra or Culture Club or John Lennon or Chris Brown or Jackson Brown, etc, etc, etc… Because they all beat their women.
Hm. I pay $0 insurance, $0 gas, $0 parking, and about $75/mo for using a Bus and Car2Go. Maybe it's time to upgrade...
They are impectable.
I'm not sure what the fans have to do with it at all. All the fans I know have been disgusted with the whole thing since that sad playoff game a couple years back.
In Spain they call it "el Ronaldo."
I was gonna say "The 7-60ers"
NIGA, please.
I'm Stoked you had this in your Arsenal.
You're utterly full of shit, but I still laughed.
I've heard Punk on a couple of podcasts, and the guy is very, very intelligent. He made piles of money before he quit - he'll be just fine.
The worst what? He's hard working, very charitable, gregarious, intelligent, and talented. What a thug!
He also has the absolute right to call "Bullshit" on the league's blatant hypocrisy and greed while making the millions that he earns by working his ass off to entertain us.
Hats off for his apology.
Be careful, he could Suh you for slander.
Should've known the McPoyles were NC State alums…
I think anyone who says this stupid shit should be forced to watch themselves saying it on a loop for several hours while sitting next to his grandmother, and then then look her straight in the eyes and say it again.
Too soon.
Diss is where I go to Mahs. Diss is where I hit guy in head. Diss is where I punch guhrl.