
Yes. I would assume she is. Your point?

He is no Anne Hathaway, that's for damn sure.

I'm on the case!

Those seem like good reasons! I didn't realize he was a womanizer. . . . nor have I ever paid any attention to things he has sad. . . . so I didn't realize he was a narcissist.

I feel like doing internet research. . . . for whether or not there is a real reason to dislike Adam Levine. . . . but then I feel like I will really have gone down the rabbit hole of useless celebrity gossip. So, until someone tells me otherwise, I am choosing to believe I am being unjust. That there is no real

1) I'm not sure if I would agree with the "Jezebel Crowd" statement . . . . maybe some individuals, but not all. . . .2) If there is no real reason to dislike Adam Levine—I feel like such a judgey douche! Cause he gives me the willies, which I guess might be unjustified? Maybe it had something to do with the opening

Can someone remind me why Adam Levine is so awful? I mean, don't get me wrong, I think he's gross . . . .But I'm just not sure if I hate him because I have an actual reason to hate him—or if I am just being unreasonably prejudiced because of the hair gel, the smirkiness, the unsexy "sexy" eyes. . . .etc. etc.

YES! I haven't watched it yet—but from the description? GO OPRAH. So rare for someone in the media to give such a thoughtful, and well-informed, response.

Oh my god. . . . this guy is just purified douche. . . .

Well, I think we appreciate "opinions" that actually rise to the status of ideas. . . . you know, opinions that well-supported by evidence, logic, etc.—not just some random ideas a 14 year old could have coughed up in social studies class. Your opinions, thus far, don't really adhere to this standard.

Yeah, I was almost 100% sure that was probably the case.

Now that frasketballs, he/she of the violent rape gifs, has been deleted from this thread, I suggest we all look upon this photo in remembrance. . . . Oh, frasketballs, you tiniest little turd of a human, we hardly knew ye. . . . .

I think they're gone. . . .

Somebody, please take down all the rape gifs ASAP.

YES. That is horrible.

Yeah, I find very little to like about Kim Kardashian, but I think her statements are coming from a real place of sadness. She was really abused by the tabloids during her pregnancy. And I realize, as some have pointed out, that she generally does "ask" for some amount of media attention, being a reality star and

Thanks for this information! I appreciate it.

Thank you!

Thank you! I was wondering what animal that was. . . . and specifically whether it was from Africa. . . . .