
The "A Low Vera" thing made me dislike Julia Roberts this week. Like, really made me think she might actually be a bonafide Mean Lady.

Thanks for posting this. At first I just thought Drake's tweets were in poor taste—sort of like "another celebrity throwing a hissy fit. . . . " Quest Love's explanation made me feel pretty sad for Drake.

You were definitely not almost responsible for your friend's near suicide. Her telling you this was incredibly manipulative. I've known many people who committed suicide—and sometimes, in their notes, they blamed one event, sometimes they blamed many events. But no one event, and no one person, can actually lead to

You know, I never really had that much of a problem with Julia Roberts. Then I saw this post, and then I was like, "Huh, what does 'A Low Vera' even MEAN?," and then I was like, "I know I'm 'studying' right now and everything, but I'm really, really confused about this whole 'Low Vera' business, better go to Google

You have just made my day. I hate it when douche-baggery is obscured by a "language barrier." ALSO OH MY GOD THAT FRUIT BAT IS &&^*#^*$^8*)* AMAZING!

The womb counts as both nature and nurture.

Thank you for the source!

I feel like there a couple of things that need a citation in this article.

The following quote (regarding Soon Yi) doesn't make any sense and should be corrected. "(The history of Soon-Yi's biological mother as a prostitute is as pointed as it is confusing. According to Mia, Soon-Yi was found eating out of garbage cans on the streets and spoke "no known language, only gibberish." How then,

I used to be all for the legalization of heroin, but now I take a more nuanced position. . . . which I will admit might not work. . . but here are my thoughts. I think the sale and distribution of heroin should be illegal. I do not think the possession of heroin should be illegal. I used to think we should legalize

About personal choice, yes, people do choose to do things that are bad for their body. They make that choice. But there is an element to it that is much more subtle that choosing to accept the risk of becoming an addict. I don't think that many ever consciously consider that risk. When I picked up my first

I think it's interesting that, in these public debates of sexual assault, accusers are often described as "misremembering" certain events. Re-interpreting something innocent as something aggressive or inappropriate. What is rarely addressed is that molesters may also misconstrue events. That they may reinterpret

YES! I actually love trashy TV. . . . but the Bachelor is a such a snooze fest.

Personally, I think he was hilarious and Seinfeld the show was a masterpiece (or some of it was, anyway). I also think this was beyond a jackass thing for him to say—and, as others have pointed out—just shows how privileged he actually was. It just makes no sense—like, "If you're smart, you're smart, so obviously

This is everything. Thank you so much for posting it.

1) I never once said that disagreeing with me was illogical. I said that the following proposition is illogical: if a country does not have repressive policies against women, then that country must have no culture of silence/victim-blaming surrounding victims of sexual violence.

First of all, "backwards third world?" Not cool, dude.

Oye vey.

I think this is a little bit of a stretch. Slippery slope much?