
but the problem isn't the alcohol he's drinking or the way of how easy the kid got all those things that were probably laying around his house just like that... nope
It was videogames !

"They use hammers to dig and knives and guns to protect themselves from zombies," he said, according to the station.

Still have likely psychological damage from this scene. I imagine the pig thing would have been worse.

Now playing

Well Pyramid Head was raping people/mannequins way back in the late 90's... not sure why this would be worse?

well, I am going to screenshot this entire conversation on this entire article and save it for a future date in 2014 where everyone is gushing over how awesome the new controller is and how everyone loves what Valve did with the hardware. I am Jack's smirking revenge [however if this backfires, I am most certainly

Pretty much how I feel about it. It makes no sense based on all my experiences using gamepads, but it's so different that I find it hard to believe there isn't a reason behind the differences.

Wait you sure you don't just wanna judge it before anyone has even touched it? Or perhaps compare it to another controller that you are more comfortable with? STOP BEING RATIONAL!

weird as hell but still would love to have one to know how it really works and feel playing.

Was expecting way more...
It's pretty graphic wise, hope gameplay is good, but at least during the whole video it was not even close to scary, the ambiance and mood is right, it just didn't work in those parts showed in the video.
Also tons of blood doesn't equal scary, but maybe the actual game has better moments for

I really think someone from Kotaku should make a total Review of the update... for science

The baby is called Sephiroth Shinra. It's a horrible stupid name, what's not to get?

Wow I feel for the kid. I would've of went with Kefka.