
I'm pretty sure that sharks don't normally become completely static when they die.

Now playing

and before you know it this starts happening...

I'm guessing The Normandy is in there somewhere.

Just glad it's not another GTA 5 post.

Those type of multiplayer never works, because no one want to play as the humans and wither the team are imbalanced or people leaves when they get thrown into the human team...

Ask and the internet shall provide.

At least in MySpace they would already have TOM the admin as their friend when making an account there.

Tell me about it. How the fuck do you have less than 10 friends on Steam??

yep to have a chance to BE selected. I'm already eligible, already did all that, play from time to time in Big-screen mode, public profile, lots of community guides and helping on bug threads of several games and couldn't careless about it. Let them test, when it's finally good and finished i'll take a look and maybe

Adding friends just to be able to be eligible for the beta. I'm tempted to not even bother because it is going to be flooded with people like this.

that's sad...

"This is the second of three announcements scheduled this week..."