
I think you’ll enjoy that piece of art Jason lol

It’s not a choice, it’s more like a duty, sometimes you either play to complete every single stupid ass side quest or go do something else. Lately i’ve been picking the second choice just like Jason and many others

WAY better that way than letting you buy an early access to an alfa build of a game that you can’t do shit.

somewhere in Delera’s Graveyard, but as I’ve stopped playing for some time already i feel i can not point how to get there

i still remember when i found this when running around playing DDO...

Square Going TellTale

Now playing

Deep discussion about Suikoden Philosophy and it's series with The Frozen North crew talking with Ryan, an administrator for the Suikoden Revival Movement Facebook page.

Jason ! you should add in that article that no matter that someone played 3- 4 - 5 - Tactics or even Tierkreis that they should forget about what they played and try the real deal experience with Suikoden 2

Jason you should add in that article that no matter that someone already played 3- 4 - 5 - Tactics or even Tierkreis that they should forget about what they played and try the real experience with Suikoden 2

should try interview/talk to anyone from the Suikoden Developing Team and ask...

Just ignore it
Most are just pissed because neither Na'vi, Alliance, EG or IG made their way to the finals

You may also watch it on ESPN3

You can also watch it on ESPN3

For me V is one of the best too, along with II the I
Both Suikogaiden 1 -2 are also really good but really short, the only way to play them is to emulate the translated version, if you like Suikoden II these 2 show a lot of cool things that happened during & after that war with some people. It also leads to SIII

I'm a marvel guy, i only care for batman from DC so w/e dude xD

But problably before that we'll first have to build VR rooms like Xmen Danger Room and other similar things mixed with augmented reality

What i'm really waiting is for DLCs
this is kinda the first time that i really wish for them to come soon !
i mean we need Starvin Marvin, Hell, or more of the Halloween events there!
also i missed Dr Mephesto

Now i understand when they say that Videogames make people go violent ...