
I'm sorry, but if you think that says F**k you need your damn eyes checked.

I miss Destruction Derby and the Vigilante8 games =/

Made me Think of those Portal 1 & 2 security warnings

I hear 'The Hammer' is his penis.

I will just leave this here.

her pokemon one impressed me muchly

I think Brizzy is really, really irritating.

lol i like the use of the filters added to the pictures to hide the shittyness of how the game actually looks.

how much did you guys get paid to write this article?

What am I supposed to feel?

GTAV hype... just ignore and walk around... it's better that way

...am I supposed to be decieved? They don't even look like something from reality.

Some of the Pokémon impressions was actually kind of impressive. The rest was really entertaining!

ZOMG the 3rd 3 inch circle means half life 3!!!!! i just cant fucking w8!

The future is coming... in about three hours!

Now playing

i prefer brizzy's version, you know... the same from that pokemon video

The sweet part about that PS3 version is you get the PS4 version for free.